“…I believe that the presence of a higher power is available here and now and does not require anyone else than ourselves to access it. My core values are compassion, tolerance, patience, and understanding…"
Andreas Jaeger
My general direction in terms of values and consulting philosophy:
- Although I may discuss principles found in most religions and spiritual practices, I do not proselytize and I do not actively promote or suggest any specific religion, teaching or philosophy unless invited to do so by my clients.
- I do believe in the existence of a higher power, but I do not promote or represent any organized religion, church, cult, sect or any other formalized belief systems, such as temples, gurus or teachers.
- The principles I use are found in the Judeo-Christian tradition, but also Buddhism, Hinduism as well the Baha'i faith, in the Sufi tradition and in Zoroastrianism. In contemporary writings they are found in the teachings of "A Course in Miracles", "The Way of Mastery", the books and lectures of Eckhard Tolle, Joel Goldsmith and David Hawkins.
- I believe that the human spiritual energy is connected to a higher power which can be experienced as an immanent “presence within”, and as a presence that is manifest in all aspects of the world around us. This creates an ever-present dialogue we find ourselves in.
- I believe that the key to successful growth and healing is to be able to read- and interpret this dialogue in a positive and productive way. I call this “the language of the higher power”.
- I believe that all challenges in our lives are spiritual in and that true relief from suffering can only come from a process of overcoming patterns of perception that result in unproductive thoughts, feelings and actions.
- These patterns are the results of our underlying level of consciousnesses and our "spiritual state of being", so in order to overcome them, it is not enough to actively change our behavior. In order to be effective, a consulting approach has to result in an elevated level of consciousness and heightened spiritual energy that is at the origin of our perceptions. This is why we developed our our approach of "Spiritually Integrated Coaching".
Please note that I am not a licensed mental health professional, and I do not offer or practice psychotherapy or psychological counseling services.
The "spiritual" component:
Therefore, my approach contains a spiritual component, and it integrates conventional concepts of consulting with spiritual principles.
The spiritual component of my coaching process is aimed at developing an understanding of the nature of consciousness and ones spiritual essence. I help my clients to develop an awareness of their own evolution from the conventional understanding of oneself as a “persona” or "ego-based-self" that is separate from the world towards understanding oneself as a spiritual being which is a fully integrated part of all that exist.
Over time, this higher level of understanding together with a daily spiritual practice and practical skills and tools allows us to see our experiences as a dialogue with a Higher Power which leads us to transcend history-based conditioning and perceptions, aversions and attachments, and, as a result, end our suffering over time.
“…trying to resolve challenges in our lives without addressing their spiritual component is like taking a medication to cover-up the symptoms of a disease. One can gain short-term relief, but true healing can only come from addressing the spiritual root-cause…”
Who inspired and influenced the practice:
The practice was influenced by the teachings and traditions of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sufism, the books and teachings of David Hawkins, Joel Goldsmith, Eckhart Tolle, and Thomas Keating, as well as the many books and teachings that resulted from the book "A Course in Miracles", and the book “The Way of Mastery”.
You can find other suggested readings and topics on the bottom of this page.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D
(June 3, 1927, Milwaukee, WI – September 19, 2012, Sedona, AZ)
Dr. Hawkins is one of the most accomplished psychiatrists, authors, speakers and enlightenment teachers of the 21st century. His books and DVDs are available from his estate at http://www.veritaspub.com/
Dr. Hawkins’ work has been translated into more than 17 languages. Apart from his numerous lectures, he made public appearances on the PBS News Hour, the Barbara Walters Show, and the Today Show. Dr. Hawkins lectured at Westminster Abbey, the Oxford Forum, the University of Argentina, Notre Dame, Stanford, and Harvard. He served as advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries.
He won the Huxley Award, and he was knighted by the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem. He is a nominee of the Templeton Prize, and he was honored in Korea with the title “Tae Ryoung Sun Kak Tosa” (Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment), and in the 1970s, he co-authored the book “Orthomolecular Psychiatry” with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, which revolutionized the field of psychiatry by identifying the relationship between nutrition and psychiatric symptomology.
The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from his advanced understanding of the workings of the human mind while at the same time being at a very high state of spiritual awareness known as "Enlightenment", "Self–Realization", and “Unio Mystica". This sate of consciousness rarely occurs in human beings, which together with his understanding of the human mind made Dr. Hawkins uniquely qualified to present a spiritual path that is compelling to modern society.
Apart from his numerous books and lectures, some of Dr. Hawkins' most important contributions to the enlightenment journey of mankind is the development of the "Map of Consciousness" in which he scientifically calibrated the levels of consciousness of different states of living beings, as well as the development of his teaching of the pathway to enlightenment which he called “God-devotional-nonduality”.
Joel S. Goldsmith
Joel S. Goldsmith (1892–1964) is one of the leading spiritual teachers and healers of the 20th century. He could be referred to as a “Christian Mystic”, and although he referenced and interpreted the Bible in his writings, he was often critical of conventional Christian church practices and teachings, and judging and vengeful notions of a Higher Power (so-called anthropomorphic projections of the lower instincts of the human ego onto a deity, which was the hallmark of belief-systems of antiquity, which unfortunately to this day govern many religious doctrines that follow the Judaeo-christian tradition).
His messages and teachings are non-denominational, and he did not promote a specific ritual, dogma, or ceremony in his practice.
He produced a significant number of books, tapes and open letters to the students of his practice which was called “The Infinite Way” school of enlightenment. In it, he taught the realization of God’s presence within human consciousness through complete transparency that is attained through the abandonment of the “ego-persona” and the surrender of the judging mind. He discovered that this state of consciousness had the capacity to produce spontaneous healings, and over the course of his life, he developed a large and highly successful healing practice.
Joel's books and tapes are available at on-line bookstores and at http://www.joelgoldsmith.com/
Eckhart Tolle
Eckart Tolle is one of the most known contemporary, authors, speakers and enlightenment teachers of our time. His numerous videos are available on Youtube and his website at https://eckharttolle.com/
Eckhart Tolle's book "The Power of Now" although initially not widely recognized has since been translated into 52 languages and has reached millions of people world wide who are looking to expand their conventional consciousness beyond the conceptual conditioned mind. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and Watkins Review has named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”
Part of Eckhart Tolle's great contribution is that he brings the value of non-judging, non-thinking (overcoming "form-identity"), and present-moment awareness that has been the hallmark of many far-eastern spiritual practices for thousands of years to the general public in the western world of the 21st century.
In his books, videos, live-meditations and interviews, he illustrates how our convectional state of consciousness (the so-called conditioned mind, also called ego, or carnal mind) and identification with "form-identity" has taken over our existence.
He teaches how quality of life can be improved by transforming the thinking mind which left at its own devices is constantly reviewing the past, planning the future, and aimless wanders. He describes this as the process of wakening from the illusion of form identity in which we realize the spaciousness of unattached non-judging bare awareness in which all that exists arises. This leads to the transmutation of the primary conventional experience of separation of the observer (subject), the observed (object) into a single state of presence in which one can know oneself as "I Am" ...the source of all that arises. This state has been described in many religions and advanced spiritual teachings as enlightenment or awakened state of mind. He describes how this higher state of joyful alertness is achieved by focusing on the sensory perception of the present moment without editorially commenting or judging. [In my own practice I call this state "senses-without-thought", in far-eastern traditions this state is called "bare awareness".]
Western audiences also greatly benefit by his ability to re-interpret and re-connect the messages of the Judeo-Christian religious traditions into the timeless truths of far-eastern teachings and practices and thus bringing the ever-present, never-changing and universal source of all existence to the forefront of existence.
Suggested Readings and Topics
A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume, Foundation For Inner Peace, 1975
Baer, Greg: Real Love, Avery Random House, 2003
Baer, Greg: Real Love in Marriage: The Truth About Finding Genuine Happiness Now and Forever, Avery, 2007
Baer, Greg: Real Love in Parenting, Blue Ridge Press, 2006
Baer, Greg: Real Love and Post-Childhood Stress Disorder: Treating Your Unrecognized Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Paperback, Blue Ridge Press, January 1, 2011
Berne, Eric: Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of Transactional Analysis, Ballantine Books, 1996
Berne, Eric: Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships, Grove Press, 1981
Bernstein, Gabby: The Universe Has Your Back, Hay House, September 2016
Bly, Robert: Iron John: A Book About Men, Da Capo Press, 2004
Braden, Gregg: Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer: The Hidden Power of Beauty, Blessings, Wisdom, and Hurt, Hay House Publishing, 2016
Butcher, Carmen Acevedo, The Cloud of Unknowing, Shambala, 2009
Cerminara, Gina, Cayce, Hugh Lynn: Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation, Signet, 1988
Dahlke Ruediger: Das senkrechte Weltbild, Allegria Ullstein, 2005
Dass, Ram, Levine, Stephen: Grist For The Mill, Bantam Books, 1995
Dass, Ram: Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook, Bantam Books, 1990
Davis, Roy Eugene: The Book of Life, March 2000
Davis, Roy Eugene: Time, Space and Circumstance, Frederick Fell, 1962
Dethlefsen, Thorwald, Dahlke Ruediger: Krankheit als Weg, Bassermann Verlag, 2008
Dethlefsen, Thorwald: Das Leben nach dem Leben, Arkana Goldmann, 1984
Dethlefsen, Thorwald: Schicksal als Chance, Goldmann, Munchen, May 1, 1986; (English edition published as: The Challenge of Fate, Coventure LTD, 1984)
Doyle, Glennon: Untamed, The Dial Press, 2020
Durckheim, Karlfried Graf von, Unwin, G.: Twofold Origin (Translation from German original "Vom zweifachen Ursprung des Menschen"), George Allen, 1983
Ferrini, Paul: The Gospel According to Jesus: A New Testament for Our Time Paperback, Heartways Press, 2010
Ferrini, Paul: The Wounded Child's Journey Into Love's Embrace, Heartways Press, Third Edition: 2008
Fox, Emmet: Around The Year with Emmet Fox, Harper One Publishing, 1958
Fox, Emmet: Power Through Constructive Thinking, Harper One Publishing, 1968
Fox, Emmet: The Sermon on the Mount, Harper One Publishing, 1989
Frederick, Ryan: Husband in Pursuit: 31 Daily Challenges for Loving Your Wife Well (The 31 Day Pursuit Challenge) (Volume 1), Cormens Press, 2017
Frederick, Selena: Wife in Pursuit: 31 Daily Challenges for Loving Your Husband Well (The 31 Day Pursuit Challenge) (Volume 2), Cormens Press, 2017
Frederick, Ryan: Fierce Marriage: Radically Pursuing Each Other in Light of Christ's Relentless Love, Baker Books, 2017
Fromm, Erich: The Art of Loving, Harper & Row, 1956
Gebser, Jean: The Ever-Present Origin (translation from German Title: "Ursprung und Gegenwart"), Part One: Foundations of the Aperspectival World and Part Two: Manifestations of the Aperspectival World, Ohio University Press; 1st edition, August 31, 1986
Goldsmith, Joel S.: A Parenthesis in Eternity: Living the Mystical Life, Harper One, 1986
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Conscious Union With God, Martino Fine Books, 2011
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Contemplative Life, Carol Publishing, 1994
Goldsmith, Joel S.: God, The Substance of All Form, Acropolis Books, 1990
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Leave Your Nets, Acropolis Books, 1998
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Living Between Two Worlds: See The Universe Both From Within & From Without, Acropolis Books, Inc., April 15, 2008
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Living Now, Acropolis Books, 1990
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Living the Infinite Way, Acropolis Books, 1990
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Man Was Not Born to Cry, Acropolis Books, 1998
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Practicing the Presence: The Inspirational Guide to Regaining Meaning and a Sense of Purpose in Your Life, Harper Collins, 1991
Goldsmith, Joel S.: Realization of Oneness: Acropolis Books, Inc., 2005
Goldsmith, Joel S.: The Art of Meditation, Harper One; Reprint edition, 1990
Goldsmith, Joel S.: The Art of Spiritual Healing, Harper One; Reprint edition, 1992
Goldsmith, Joel S.: The Infinite Way, Devorss & Co., 1947
Goldsmith, Joel S.: The Master Speaks: Acropolis Books, Inc., 1999
Goldsmith, Joel S.: The Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture: Acropolis Books, Inc., 1999
Goldsmith, Joel S.: The Thunder of Silence, Harper, San Francisco; Reissue edition, 1993
Grof, Stanislav: The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness, State University of New York Press, 1998
Grov, Stanislav: Beyond Death: The Gates of Consciousness, Thames and Hudson, 1980
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality, Veritas Publishing, 2007
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Discovery of the Presence of God-Devotional NonDuality Discovery of the Presence of God, Veritas Publishing, Hayhouse Publishing, 2007
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Healing and Recovery, Veritas Publishing, 2009
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: I: Reality and Subjectivity, Veritas Publishing, 2007
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Veritas Publishing, 2012
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Power vs. Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior: An Anatomy of Consciousness, Veritas Publishing, 2007
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Veritas Publishing, 2008
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: The Eye of the I, Veritas Publishing, 2007
Hawkins, David, R., M.D., Ph.D.: Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Veritas Publishing, 2007
Hendrix , Harville, Ph.D., LaKelly Hunt, Helen: Keeping the Love You Find: A Personal Guide Paperback. Atria Books, 1993
Hollis, James: Creating a Life: Finding Your Individual Path (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts), Inner City Books, 2000
Hollis, James: Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life, Gotham; 2006
Hollis, James: The Middle Passage (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts), Inner City Books; First Edition, 1993
Hollis, James: Under Saturn's Shadow: The Wounding and Healing of Men (Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts), Inner City Books; First edition, April 1994
Holmes, Ernest: Creative Mind and Success, Martino Publishing, 2013
Holmes, Ernest: The Hidden Power of the Bible, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2004
Holmes, Ernest: The Art of Life, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2004
Holmes, Ernest: This Thing Called You, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, December 2007
Hopcke, Robert H.: A Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Shambhala, May 11, 1999
Ingram, Daniel M.: Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha: An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book An Unusally Hardcore Dharma Book, Aeon Books, 2008
Jakoby, Bernhard: Das Leben danach, Nymphenburger, 2004
Jung, C. G.: Psychologische Betrachtungen: Eine Auslese aus den Schriften, Rascher, Zurich, 1945
Jung, C.G.: Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol.9 Part 2), Princeton University Press, June 1, 1979
Jung, C.G.: Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Vintage; Reissue edition, April 23, 1989
Jung, C.G.: Psychological Types (Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 6), Princeton University Press, October 1, 1976
Jung, C.G.: The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol.9 Part 1), Princeton University Press, 2 edition , August 1, 1981
Jung, C.G.: The Development of Personality (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.17), Princeton University Press, reprint edition, October 1, 1981
Jung, C.G.: The Practice of Psychotherapy (Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 16, Princeton University Press, 2 edition, June 1, 1966
Jung, C.G.: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche (Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 8), Princeton University Press, 2 edition, January 21, 1970
Keating, Thomas: Open Mind, Open Heart, Bloomberg Publishing, 2006
Kelsang Gyatso, Geshe: The New Eight Steps to Happiness, Tharpa Publications, March 10, 2017
Kelsang Gyatso, Geshe: Universal Compassion: Inspiring Solutions for Difficult Times, Tharpa Publications, October 1, 2002
Kornfield, Jack: A Path with Heart, Batnam, 1993
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth: On Life after Death, Clestial Arts, 2008
Lazlo, Ervin: Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, Inner Traditions, 2004
Levine, Stephen, Levine, Ondrea: Who Dies?: An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying, Anchor Books, 1989
Lewis, C. S.: Mere Christianity, Harper One Publishing, 1980
Love, Daniel: Are You Dreaming?: Exploring Lucid Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide, Enchanted Loom Publishing, 2013
Miller, Alice: The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self, Basic Books; 3 edition, 1997
Moody, Harry R.: The Five Stages of the Soul: Charting the Spiritual Passages That Shape Our Lives, First Anchor Books, 1987
Nouwen, Henri J. M.: The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, Harper One, (2009
Penrose, Roger, Hameroff, Stuart, Stapp, Henry P., Chopra, Deepak: Consciousness and the Universe: Quantum Physics, Evolution, Brain & Mind, 2011
Penrose, Roger: The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, Vintage Books, 2007
Ring, Kenneth: Heading Toward Omega: In Search of the Meaning of the Near-Death Experience, , 1985
Rinpoche, Kalu, H. E.: Foundations of Tibetan Buddhism, Second Edition, 2004
Rinpoche, Tenzin W., Dahlby Mark: Healing With Form, Energy, And Light: The Five Elements In Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen, Snow Lion Publications, 2002
Rohr, Richard: Immortal Diamond, John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Ruiz, Don Miguel: The Four Agreements, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1997
Ruiz, Don Miguel: The Fifth Agreement, Amber-Allen Publishing, 2011
Ruiz, Don Miguel: The Mastery of Love, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1999
Salzberg, Sharon, Goldstein, Joseph: Insight Meditation: An In-Depth Correspondence Course Paperback, Audiobook, 2004
Siegel, Daniel J., Bryson, Tina Payne: The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing, Bantam Books, 2012
Subby, Robert: Lost In The Shuffle: The Co-Dependent Reality, Health Communications Inc., August 1, 1987
Taylor, Brian F.: Sanyojana The Buddha's Doctrine of the Ten Fetters, 2016
The Way of Mastery, Shanti Christo Foundation, 2004
Thurman, Robert, Smith, Huston: The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Batnam Wisdom Editions, 1994
Tolle, Eckhart: The Power of Now, New World Library, 1997
Tolle, Eckhart: Stillness Speaks, Yogi Impressions LLC, 2003
Tolle, Eckhart: A New Earth, Penguin Books, 2016
Wallace, Alan, Hodel Brian: Contemplative Science: Where Buddhism and Neuroscience Converge, Columbia University Press, 2007
Walsh, Neale Donal: Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Putnam Publishing,1995
Wambach, Helen: Life Before Life, Mass Market Paperback, 1984
Wapnick, Kenneth: Ending Our Escape From Love, From Dissociation to Acceptance, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2011
Wapnick, Kenneth: Ending Our Resistance to Love, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2004
Wapnick, Kenneth: Healing the Unhealed Mind, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2011
Wapnick, Kenneth: Stages of Our Spiritual Journey, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2009
Wapnick, Kenneth: The Healing Power of Kindness, Volume One, Releasing Judgment, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2004
Wapnick, Kenneth: The Healing Power of Kindness, Volume Two, Forgiving Our Limitations, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2005
Wapnick, Kenneth: The Journey Home, "The Obstacles to Peace", Foundation for a Course Miracles, 2000
Watts, Alan: The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Vintage Books, August 28, 1989
Whitton, Joel L, Fisher, Joe: Life Between Life, 1986
Williams, Mark, Teasdale Jon, Segal, Zindel, Kabat-Zinn, Jon: A Mindful Way through Depression, The Gulford Press, 2007
Williams, Mark; Teasdale, John; Segal, Zindel; Kabat-Zinn, Jon: The Mindful Way Through Depression, The Guilford Press, June 2, 2007
Williamson, Marianne: A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles", Harper One, Reissue edition, March 15, 1996
Williamson, Marianne: A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections, Harper One; Reprint edition, December 29, 2015
Zimberoff, Diane: Breaking Free from the Victim Trap: Reclaiming Your Personal Power, Wellness Press, 1989
Zukav, Gary: The Seat of the Soul, Fireside, Simon & Schuster, January 15, 1990
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